Post-Test: Consultative Stance

Post-Test: Consultative Stance

A short quiz to assess what you learned during the training.

  1. Relationship-based work and the consultative stance are based on the central belief(s) that
    1. Relationships are key to effective consultation
    2. How the consultant “is” – his or her demonstration of interest, empathy, respect and understanding – is central to successful consultation
    3. The positive experience of the relationship between the consultant and the consultee (early care and education staff and families) influences the relationship between the consultee and children in his or her care
    4. All of the above
  2. The term “consultative stance” in early childhood mental health consultation refers to
    1. The consultant’s theoretical position on child development and mental health
    2. The consultant’s opinion regarding how to deal with a child’s social emotional development or behavior
    3. The consultant’s way of being or working in relationships with early care and education staff and families
    4. None of the above
  3. In achieving the “consultative stance”, the consultant takes the position of the expert and addresses the mental health needs of children and families one-on-one and in lieu of those (staff and families) who provide regular care for the child
    1. True
    2. False
  4. The essential tool(s) for transforming relationships through the “consultative stance” include the consultant’s
    1. Expertise providing clinical therapy
    2. Ability to take in and respect every person’s perspective
    3. Commitment to incorporating their own expert opinion
    4. Focusing exclusively on presenting problems
  5. When meeting with families and teachers to plan strategies for a child, the consultant’s practices which would represent the consultative stance include all of the following except:
    1. Sharing ideas clearly and soliciting ideas from others
    2. Hypothesizing and interpreting a child’s behavior for those involved in the child’s care
    4. Facilitating discussion to reach agreement on the goal(s), intervention plan, and measures of success
    6. Preparing the plan before the meeting
  6. Ongoing supervision and supports that encourage the practice of relationship-based work and the consultative stance include
    1. Clinical supervision and guidance on diagnosis and intervention
    2. Administrative supervision and guidance on how to change the organizational structure of the early care and education setting
    3. Supervision that includes reflective practices and guidance on identifying motivations, feelings, and insight toward self-awareness
    4. A and B
  7. The organizational structure (for example, administrative support) has a strong impact on the effectiveness of early childhood mental health consultation.effectiveness.
    1. True
    2. False

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This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.