As an early childhood mental health consultant, helping the familiar adults in a child’s life focus on a child’s behavior and what message the child is trying to convey will help them to 1) respond with empathy to the infants’ needs, 2) be more intentional about problem solving, and 3) will assist in restoring the …
Social and Emotional Milestones Examples of Typical Social and Emotional Development Examples of Risk Factors for Potential Social and Emotional Concerns Social Development- Attachment: Shakes head to signify “no” to an adult Begins to use a few words and babbling to seek attention/express self Babbles to self when alone Enjoys exploring toys with an adult …
Watch the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning’s video clip 1.1 (opens in new window/tab) and identify how the two different caregivers interact with the infants. Answer the following questions below. Questions Caregiver with child and mirror Caregiver with child and book Record what you actually see or hear What caregiving …
Social and Emotional Milestones Examples of Typical Social and Emotional Development Examples of Risk Factors for Potential Social and Emotional Concerns Social Development: Reaches out to familiar adults to be picked up and held Babbling Seeks out adults for play Can sit up by herself and can reach for toys Carlos (6 months) is sitting …
Infants ages three to six months begin to stay awake for longer periods of time, they actively explore their environments. They gaze at familiar persons, track objects, and discover new things. They also enjoy building positive relationships with their parents and other familiar caregivers. Look at the pictures and see how the three people interact …
Social and Emotional Milestones Examples of Typical Social and Emotional Development Examples of Risk Factors for Potential Social and Emotional Concerns Social Development-Attachment: Smiles socially in response to facial expressions and familiar voices Gazes at familiar person Tracks objects Tracks familiar voice Prefers familiar adults Begins to mimic adult sounds / vocalizations Laughs Samuel (4 …
Look at the pictures below of this 2 week old infant. Write down what you see that might signal signs of sensory overload. What are some strategies and tips for calming an infant who shows signs of being overloaded? Expert’s Response: Signs of sensory overload are the following: Movement: The infant tends to show jerky …
Karin, a 25-year-old mother, is seeking help from you as a mental health consultant because she is experiencing difficulties calming her infant, Max. Max is a three-week-old boy. He was born at 41 weeks of gestation. Karin breastfeeds Max every two hours. The schedule of their day is as follows: Max gets breastfed and changed, …
Some simple things that adults often do or can be encouraged to do that help to grow infants social and emotional health include; gently holding and cuddling children often, enriching children’s daily routines such as meal, bath and nap times, by sharing looks, smiles, conversations, and stories and attentively respond to children’s attempts to communicate …
Watch the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning video 1.2 (video opens in new window/tab) from infant/toddler modules (mother plus baby with red pompom) and reflect on the following questions: What behavior did you observe in the infant? What behaviors specifically did you see that related to: Social health? Emotional health and regulation? …