Resources for IECMH Consultants
Resources for infant and early childhood mental health consultants are integrated into the Center’s comprehensive collection of IECMHC materials. For new or aspiring mental health consultants, the IECMHC Basics section of our website is a good starting point.
While the resources in all five core domains are worth exploring, IECMH consultants may want to focus their attention on the Workforce and Equity sections. Within these sections, you will find the following featured resources along with many others:
- Consultant Self-Assessment, an online assessment created to help consultants determine where to focus their learning journey
- National IECMHC Competencies, an overview of the foundational knowledge, skills and abilities of a competent mental health consultant
- Foundational Modules, a self-guided online training that aligns with the national IECMHC competencies and is designed to impart what it means to be a mental health consultant and the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed to be successful in this role
- IECMHC Racial Equity Toolkit, a collection of videos and other resources to help facilitate full implementation of the national IECMHC competencies, which include an explicit focus on equity across each domain.
- Beyond the 101: Equity, Bias & Disparity, a training module that provides an introduction to issues of equity, disparity, and racial bias in early care and education systems, and identifies what mental health consultants can do to support more equitable learning environments in their work with children, families, and practitioners
- Equity in IECMHC Webinar Series, a series of five webinars that explores the root causes of disparities in child outcomes and highlights how culture, identity and history are sources of strength within diverse communities.
- A Day in the Life of a Mental Health Consultant, a series of real-life vignettes illustrating the infant and early childhood mental health consultation process
- And many reproducible materials that you can download and/or print for field use with consultees
If you are looking for something specific, please browse our entire resource catalog using the search engine. If you would like to receive updates on new resources and professional development opportunities, please join our listserv.