CoE Equity Toolkit

CoE Equity Toolkit

Equity is a central component of IECMHC. Every individual who is part of the IECMHC system has an important role to play in battling racism and promoting fair, positive, and equitable learning experiences for children and families. The new IECMHC Racial Equity Toolkit is a collection of videos, tools, and resources that can help consultation systems leaders and all IECMHC practitioners build capacity in understanding race and systemic racism, bias, and culturally responsive practice and meaningfully embed equity in their programs and practice. Each resource includes accompanying discussion questions that can guide reflection of the central issues.

These resources can facilitate full implementation of the recently revised IECMHC Competencies, which include an explicit focus on equity across each domain. 

The toolkit has two parts: “Start Here” and “Dig Deeper.” The “Start Here” section includes a collection of resources that systems leaders, supervisors, and consultants can use to begin their work using the toolkit; the “Dig Deeper” section includes an additional set of resources that can facilitate deeper learning and continued exploration of racism and using IECMHC and early childhood systems to combat it. The toolkit will be a “living toolkit”, such that new resources will be added on an ongoing basis.

Systems leaders and supervisors can use these resources in supervision or reflective meetings with staff and move through each resource, reading, video, or podcast together.

Start Here

Tool: Equity in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Webinar Series (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webinar

Time Required: 2 to 2 ½ hours

Questions for reflection: Where have you seen bias, differential treatment, or oppression of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other children of color and families show up in the early childhood settings in which you work at the individual or relational level? Where have you seen it show up in programmatic policy or at the systems level? In what ways do you respond to instances of implicit and/or explicit bias by early childhood educators? What of the information shared was new to you? What struck you most deeply? In what ways will it inform your work?

Tool: Creating Anti-Racist Early Childhood Spaces (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webinar/Video

Time Required: 1 hour

Questions for reflection: After watching, consider your role in actively creating anti-racist early childhood spaces. What could you do differently? What barriers do you think may get in your way and how can you overcome them?

Tool: Exploring Culture, Race, and Ethnicity in Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: The Role of the Consultative Alliance (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Peer Reviewed Article. You may access the document through your institution's library (if applicable) or you can request the document from the authors on Research Gate.

Time Required: 30 minutes

Questions for reflection: In what ways can you build a strong consultative alliance with educators you work with? How can the consultative alliance improve outcomes for children, especially children of color?

Tool: Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Coaching Guide

Questions for reflection: After reviewing the resources, consider how you can utilize the tools in your practice.

Tool: Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Training module

Time Required: 90 minutes

Questions for reflection: This training module has questions embedded throughout that you are encouraged to reflect on and respond to.

Tool: PBIS Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide for Trainers and Coaches (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Practice Guide

Time Required: 60 minutes

Questions for reflection: Consider how this field guide may be relevant and useful in your coaching /consultation. How can you use this guide to improve awareness of racism and bias in learning settings?

Tool: Diversity Informed Tenets (Harris Foundation) (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Website and pdf document

Time Required: 10 minutes

Questions for reflection: How have you implemented these tenets into your consultation? Can you name a specific example for each tenet? Is there one or more of the tenets that you find it difficult to adhere to? What makes it difficult?

Tool: Consultative Stance: Basis, Basics and Bias, June 2018  (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video Clips

Time Required: 4 total videos –each from 33 minutes – 102 minutes to view

Questions for reflection: For each video you watch, identify one concrete strategy or idea that you are taking away. How will you implement that idea or strategy into your daily practice? What supports will you need to be successful?

Tool: Expulsion and Suspension in ECE as Matters of Social Justice and Health Equity (Meek & Gilliam, 2016) (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Policy paper

Time Required: 30 minutes

Questions for reflection: How do inequities in early childhood systems lead to the “preschool to prison pipeline” as discussed in this paper? How can effective mental health consultation interrupt inequities?

Tool: Expulsion prevention: Framework for the role of infant and early childhood mental health consultation in addressing implicit biases (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Peer Reviewed Article. You may access the document through your institution's library (if applicable) or you can request the document from the authors on Research Gate.

Time Required:  30 minutes

Questions for reflection: Are there any of the recommended practices (reflective questioning, creating a holding environment, raising issues of race and gender, cultivating cultural awareness, exploring contextual influences) that are difficult for you? How are you working to develop your skills in these practices?

Tool: Do Early Educators’ Implicit Biases Regarding Sex and Race Relate to Behavior Expectations and Recommendations of Preschool Expulsions and Suspensions? (Gilliam et al, 2016) (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Research Brief

Time Required: 30 minutes

Questions for reflection: Do the findings shared in this article surprise you? Why or why not? How might mental health consultation be used to interrupt bias and disparities in discipline?

Tool: School Suspensions are an Adult Behavior (Rosemarie Allen, 2016) (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 12 minutes

Questions for reflection: What is the role of infant and early childhood mental health consultation in shifting adult behavior and practice as it relates to suspension? What additional work in developing your consultation skills is needed for you to be able to engage in reflective conversations that help educators see their own implicit biases and how those biases impact their view of children’s behavior?

Tool: Preschool Expulsions and the Role of Implicit Bias - Part 1 (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 3 minutes

Questions for reflection: After watching the video with your colleagues, discuss what resonated with you from Dr. Allan's words. What do you want to know more about?

Tool: Preschool Expulsions and the Role of Implicit Bias - Part 2 (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 3 minutes

Questions for reflection: After watching the video with your colleagues, engage in a discussion about implicit bias and how you have seen it show up in early childhood environments.

Tool: Race Forward: Systemic Oppression Video Series (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Videos

Time Required: 10 minutes

Questions for reflection: After watching, consider the impacts that components of structural racism have on young children. How do you see it show up in the spaces where you work and serve children and families?

Tool: PBIS Key Elements of Policies to Address Discipline Disproportionality: A Guide for District and School Teams (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Practice Guide

Time Required: 30 minutes

Questions for reflection: Consider how these tools may be relevant and useful in your coaching /consultation.

Dig Deeper

The Center of Excellence has created a Searchable Evidence Database for IECMHC (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab) that summarizes the current status of the peer reviewed literature on IECMHC. You can search articles using a range of criteria, including whether the article analyzed differences in IECMHC access and outcomes based on race/ethnicity. There is much more research needed on advancing equity through IECMHC! Please view the Future Directions for Research in the Evidence Synthesis (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab) for recommendations and proposed next steps. Feel free to request Technical Assistance  (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)if you would like consultation as you design an equity-focused research or evaluation project. 

Tool: Let's Talk About Race (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 18 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: After watching, reflect on your own racial culturalization. What were you taught about discussing race? How does that culturalization impact your work today?

Audience: All

Tool: A Lesson In Humility: Diving into Anti-Racist Early Education Practices and Policies (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Podcast

Time Required: 1 hour to listen

Questions for reflection: After listening, discuss your thoughts with your team around the following: During the podcast, there are multiple mentions of traits of dominant culture that lead to inequities in early care and education. What are some of those traits? How have you seen them lead to inequitable treatment and outcomes for children, especially Children of Color?

Audience: Consultants, Practitioners

Tool: Justice from the Streets to the Early Childhood Classroom (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webinar

Time Required: 90 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: After watching, consider what concrete steps / actions you can take to promote more equitable early childhood spaces.

Audience: Researcher, Policy, Consultants, Practitioners

Tool: Racial Justice, Equity, and the Role of Child Care (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webinar

Time Required: 1 hour to watch

Questions for reflection: What are some of the inequities inherent in the way early care and education systems operate in the US? How has the COVID pandemic worsened those inequities?

Audience: Researcher, Policy, Consultants

Tool: Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement NAEYC (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Position Statement

Time Required: 45 minute read

Questions for reflection: Review the sections applicable to your position and consider how to apply the recommendations into your daily work.

Audience: All

Tool: Supporting the School Readiness and Success of Young African American Boys Project: Reflections on a Culturally Responsive Strength-Based Approach (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Report

Time Required: varies

Questions for reflection: Use the reflective questions and activities embedded throughout the document to reflect on your learning.

Audience: Researcher, Policy, Consultants, Practitioners

Tool: Unequal Access: Barriers to Early Childhood Education for Boys of Color (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Issue Brief

Time Required: 30 minute read

Questions for reflection: After reading the article, consider the barriers to access that exist to high quality early childhood education to Boys of Color. What actions can you take in your role to overcome those barriers?

Audience: Policy, Funders, Consultants

Tool: Start with equity: From the Early Years to the Early Grades, a Review of the Data and Research Landscapes and an Actionable Policy Agenda (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Report

Time Required: 2 hour read

Questions for reflection: How do different forms of inequities take shape in the settings in which you work? How can you work to address each of the areas discussed in the report in your work? How can systems leaders implement change via ECMHC systems to address these inequities?

Audience: All

Tool: You Can't Fix What You Don't Look At: Acknowledging Race in Addressing Racial Discipline Disparities Carter, P., Skiba, R., Arredondo, M., & Pollock, M. (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Brief

Time Required: 45 minute read

Questions for reflection: Read and discuss as a team what concepts and ideas seem relevant to your role.

Audience: Consultants, Researchers

Tool: Scene on Radio: Season Two - Seeing White (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Podcast

Time Required: Varies - 30 minutes to 1 hour listen per episode

Questions for reflection: After listening to each episode, engage in a reflective conversation with a peer. What new information did you learn? What are you wondering about? What do you want to learn more about?

Audience: All

Tool: The House We Live In: Race—The Power of an Illusion (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 56 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: After watching, reflect with colleagues on the following question: "What new insights are you taking away about how racism is integrated into systems after watching this video?"

Audience: All

Tool: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 11 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: After watching, journal your thoughts about what it means to be uncomfortable and speak the hard truths when necessary.

Audience: All

Tool: Having Conversations about Race, Bias, and Equity (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webinar

Time Required: 1 hour to watch

Questions for reflection: Watch this video with your team. After watching, engage in a discussion about what you learned. How do you see this showing up in your work?

Audience: All

Tool: How to Overcome Our Biases: Walk Boldly Towards Them (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: One, 1-hour module

Questions for reflection: Complete the course individually and discuss your learning and actions steps with your team.

Audience: All

Tool: State of the Science: Implicit Bias Review (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Report

Time Required: 2 hour read

Questions for reflection: What are some of the ways you have noticed implicit bias in action in yourself? In others? In your work? What were the most useful strategies and how could you use them in consultation?


Tool: Being Anti-Racist (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Webpage

Time Required: 10 minutes to read

Questions for reflection: Review the content and resources included. Use the "Let's Reflect" questions at the end of the page to reflect with a colleague.

Audience: All

Tool: The Urgency of Intersectionality (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 19 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: At the end of the video, the speaker states "If we can't see a problem, we can't fix a problem." How did this video help you to see the problem of racism and intersectionality through a new lens?

Audience: All

Tool: We Need to Talk About an Injustice (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Video

Time Required: 23 minutes to watch

Questions for reflection: After watching, reflect on what Bryan shared about how the justice system works in the United States. Is this information new to you? How does this add to your understanding of the "preschool to prison pipeline"?

Audience: Consultants, Practitioners, Policy

Tool: Race Forward: Systemic Oppression Video Series (Opens in new tab) (Opens in new tab)

Type of Resource: Videos

Time Required: 10 minutes to watch entire series

Questions for reflection: After watching, consider the impacts that components of structural racism have on young children. How do you see it show up in the spaces where you work and serve children and families?

Audience: All

This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.