Child Care Worker Job Stress Inventory (CCWJSI)
Level: Teacher Characteristics
Type of Tool: Measure
Construct: Early educator job stress
Respondent: Teacher
Language(s): English
Length: Less than 10 minutes; 51 items
Description: A survey that examines a childcare worker’s stress, including the worker’s perceptions of job demands, job control, and job resources that may help contribute to a worker’s job satisfaction or positive feelings about her or his own work
Subscales: Demands, Control, Resources
Published Psychometrics? Yes
Curbow, B., Spratt, K., Ungaretti, A., McDonnell, K., & Breckler, S. (2000). Development of the child care worker job stress inventory. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15(4), 515-536.
Citation for Tool: Curbow, B., Spratt, K., Ungaretti, A., McDonnell, K., & Breckler, S. (2000). Development of the child care worker job stress inventory. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15(4), 515-536.
In the Public Domain? No - Not in public domain