Works within and across systems, integrating mental health concepts and supports into environments where infants and young children spend time in ways that respect their cultures.
Maintains awareness of inequities within the systems in which IECMHC occurs, and considers these contexts when seeking to understand factors that promote or hinder the process of change.
For a more in-depth discussion of systems, please see the Systems section of the website.
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
8A.1. Demonstrates the ability to articulate basic concepts of systems theory, and understands how they inform the process of IECMHC.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Communicating
Knowledge/Skill Area: Speaking
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Demonstrates clarity, focus, accuracy, and diplomacy when speaking at workshops, meetings, conferences, legislative sessions, and/or commitee meetings
8A.2. Demonstrates the ability to work concurrently within two or more systems, and understands that changes in response to IECMHC may influence multiple systems.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Systems Expertise
Knowledge/Skill Area: Service Delivery Systems (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Utilizes an expert knowledge of the formal service delivery systems and community resources to make decisions and recommendations
8A.3. Works within and across systems, integrating mental health concepts and supports into the environments where infants and young children spend time in ways that respect their cultures.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Law, Regulation, and Agency Policy
Knowledge/Skill Area: Government, Law, and Regulation (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Understands, utilizes, and facilitates adherence to provisions and requirements of federal, state, and local laws affecting infants/young children and families within infant and early childhood mental health programs, community groups, etc., including the rights of citizen children of non-citizen parents
8A.4. Considers the historical and cultural contexts of communities and their members, and recognizes cultural influences on values, perspectives, and actions.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Cultural Humility
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Supports development of service plans that account for the unique needs, desires, history, lifestyle, concerns, strengths, resources, and priorities of each infant/young child and family
8A.5. Demonstrates awareness of and sensitivity toward attitudes and strengths of community members (e.g., community leaders, agencies, service providers).
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Unique
Knowledge/Skill Area: Unique
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Unique
8A.6. Understands systemic racism, how it manifests within and acrosss systems, and how it affects infants, young children, and families. Understands how infants', young children's, and families intersecting identities and interactions across systems can compound disadvantage.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Administration (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Program Management
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Advocates for funds/programming for effective service delivery to families outside of the dominant culture
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
8B.1. Gains entry into and engages effectively with programs or other settings serving infants, young children, and families where consultation services are delivered.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Working with Others
Knowledge/Skill Area: Supporting Others (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Actively participates and works cooperatively with interagency teams, planning committees, and ongoing workgroups
8B.2. Maintains up-to-date information about community resources. Limits unnecessary barriers that prevent families from accessing services by making effective referrals.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Systems Expertise
Knowledge/Skill Area: Community Resources
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Understands the services available through formal service delivery systems through other community resources and through informal supports
8B.3. Establishes relationships with professionals in other early childhood and mental health disciplines, including those providing counseling and treatment services.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Working with Others
Knowledge/Skill Area: Building and Maintaining Relationships (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Builds and maintains effective interpersonal relationships with a broad range of people including families, colleagues, agency and community representatives, and/or legislators, as the individual role requires by: a) Being proactive in establishing connections, b) Sharing information, c) Partnering on projects, and d) Identifying and reaching out to families of cultures not being served or underserved
8B.4. Encourages networking between ECE/HV settings and programs or other settings within a community serving infants, young children, and families.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Leading People (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Advocacy (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Uses influencing and persuading skills, backed by own and others' expert knowledge, to promote effective infant and early childhood mental health principles, practices, and programs
8B.5. Uses and shares current information about standards (i.e., professional, program, and licensing standards), resources, and other systems serving infants, young children, and families.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Professional/Personal Development
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Regularly examines effectiveness of policies and procedures; Utilizes training and research resources to enhance service effectiveness
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
8C.1. Promotes healthy social and emotional development through the creation and/or distribution of culturally and linguistically responsive informational materials and resources that can be disseminated to a range of audiences.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Administration (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Program Development (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Advocates for funds/programming for effective service delivery to families outside of the dominant culture
8C.2. Maintains visibility as a resource for promoting healthy social and emotional development and mental wellness.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Direct Service Skills
Knowledge/Skill Area: Advocacy
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Promotes infant and young child mental health service delivery that includes screening referral assessment, use of diagnostic tools, development of trusting relationships, service planning, relationship-based therapeutic parent-infant/young child intervention, and interagency collaboration
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
8D.1. Understands historical and current inequitable distribution of opportunities and resources across systems and how such inequities affect families.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Unique
Knowledge/Skill Area: Unique
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Unique
8D.2. Understands the role of history and policy in systemic and institutionalized racism, and how to advocate for systemic change to create more equitable systems serving infants, young children, and families.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Administration (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Program Development (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Advocates for funds/programming for effective service delivery to families outside of the dominant culture