Understands broad and local historical and systemic dynamics that have generated racialized disparities in outcomes for infants, young children, and families. Works with others to improve their understanding of how infant, young child and adult race/ethnicity, primary language, culture (beliefs, values, voice, communication style, behavioral norms, and attitudes), abilities, biases, disposition, and life circumstances(e.g., poverty and domestic violence) impact the learning environment.
Additionally, understands how adult- infant/young child interactions shape the quality of relationships, infants’ and young children’s learning experiences, and disciplinary decisions but also how contextual variables such as community context, history, and systems shape adults’ and infants’/young children’s experiences. Explicitly and intentionally acts on this understanding to create equitable and positive experiences for all infants and young children, including those from historically marginalized and oppressed communities.
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
3A.1. Understands how systemic racism, discrimination, and individual prejudices and microaggressions affect infant, young child and family well-being.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief, & Loss (MHS)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Supports parent-infant/young child relationship-based therapies and practices to explore issues including attachment, separation, trauma, and loss that affect the development and care of the infant/young child
3A.2. Understands how culture shapes interactions and relationships, family structures, behaviors, and development.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Family Relationships & Dynamics (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Understands family relationship development, with sensitivity to cultural differences
3A.2. Understands how culture shapes interactions and relationships, family structures, behaviors, and development.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Cultural Humility
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Applies understanding of cultural competence to communicate effectively, establish positive relationships with families, and demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of each client family’s culture
3A.3. Can define and demonstrate cultural sensitivity (including an understanding of issues related to the languages that young children and families speak), and is able to describe its relevance to IECMHC. Appreciates culture and resilience as sources of strength.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Unique
Knowledge/Skill Area: Unique
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Unique
3A.4. Demonstrates an appreciation of the unique values and beliefs of each family and each family’s structure, and can work effectively with infants, young children, and families from a range of backgrounds.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Cultural Humility
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Applies understanding of cultural competence to communicate effectively, establish positive relationships with families, and demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of each client family’s culture
3A.5 Demonstrates the skills to identify and address implicit bias in practice. Identifies and can effectively discuss program, other setting, local, state, or other system policies that disproportionately disadvantage one group of young children or families (including disciplinary policies and policies that discriminate against young children and families who do not speak English).
Essential or important?: Essential
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Administration (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Program Evaluation (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Applies research findings to culturally sensitive, relationship-focused policies promoting infant and early childhood mental health
3A.6. Can identify specific strategies to address inequities in practice and in policy. Can support others’ efforts to recognize and address inequities.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Unique
Knowledge/Skill Area: Unique
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Unique
3A.7.Demonstrates the ability to explore and negotiate cultural differences, to value and adapt to the diverse cultural contexts of programs or other settings and communities served, and to work effectively with individuals, groups, organizations, and systems that vary in cultures, values, beliefs, privilege, biases, and experiences.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Working with Others
Knowledge/Skill Area: Building & Maintaining Relationships (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Builds and maintains effective interpersonal relationships with a broad range of people including families, colleagues, agency and community representatives, and/or legislators, as the individual role requires by: a) Being proactive in establishing connections, b) Sharing information, c) Partnering on projects; and d) Indentifying and reaching out to families of cultures no being served or understood
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
3B.1. Explores own and others' values, beliefs, background, privilege, biases, assumptions, and experiences in a way that enhances the effectiveness of consultation in diverse communities.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Contemplation
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Regularly examines own thoughts, feelings, strengths, and growth areas; discusses issues, concerns, actions to take with supervisor, consultants, or peers
3B.1. Explores own and others' values, beliefs, background, privilege, biases, assumptions, and experiences in a way that enhances the effectiveness of consultation in diverse communities.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Personal/Professional Development (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Uses results of reflection to identify areas for personal development; identifies and participates in value-added learning activities
3B.2. Demonstrates the capacity for self-awareness in regard to bias, privilege, deficit-based perspectives of families and infants and young children, and other cultural issues (i.e., the ability to recognize how culturally influenced experiences shape personal and professional behavior and attitudes, including those connected to how interactions with others unfold and are perceived).
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Self-Awareness
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Seeks a high degree of congruence between self-perception and the way others perceive them
3B.3. Demonstrates the capacity to address such biases and deficit based perspectives. Is alert to discomforts and emotional responses when cultural, race, diversity issues arise.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Emotional Response
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Uses reflective practice throughout work with infants/young children and families to understand own emotional response to infant/family work and recognize areas for professional and/or personal development
3B.3. Demonstrates the capacity to address such biases and deficit based perspectives. Is alert to discomforts and emotional responses when cultural, race, diversity issues arise.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Curiosity
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Remains open and curious
3B.4. Demonstrates the ability to recognize personal limitations in knowledge of particular cultures, and seeks to learn more about different cultures.
Essential or important?: Essential
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Thinking
Knowledge/Skill Area: Maintaining perspective
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Sees and can explain the interactions of multiple factors and perspectives
3B.4. Demonstrates the ability to recognize personal limitations in knowledge of particular cultures, and seeks to learn more about different cultures.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection
Knowledge/Skill Area: Emotional Response
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Uses reflective practice throughout work with infants/young children and families to understand own emotional response to infant/family work and recognize areas for professional and/or personal development
Unless otherwise noted, the IECMH competencies refer to Infant Family Specialist and Early Childhood Family Specialist. If an “MHS” is noted, this competency is related to Infant Mental Health Specialist and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist. “MHM” refers to Infant Mental Health Mentor and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.
3C.1. Supports staff in speaking with families in their preferred language and in using culturally responsive professional interpreters when same-language communication is not an option.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Leading People (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Developing Talent (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Coaches novice practitioners, students, colleagues, reporting employees, and clients in a range of skills to help them become culturally sensitive individuals
3C.1. Supports staff in speaking with families in their preferred language and in using culturally responsive professional interpreters when same-language communication is not an option.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Communicating
Knowledge/Skill Area: Speaking
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Obtains translation services as necessary to ensure effective communication with families who may experience a communication barrier
3C.2. Works with programs and other settings to promote cultural sensitivity so that language and culture are respected, families are provided with culturally and linguistically appropriate materials, and staff are offered training opportunities focused on increased cultural responsiveness.
Essential or important?: Essential
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Administration (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Program Development (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Advocates for funds/programming for effective service delivery to families outside of the dominant culture
3C.2. Works with programs and other settings to promote cultural sensitivity so that language and culture are respected, families are provided with culturally and linguistically appropriate materials, and staff are offered training opportunities focused on increased cultural responsiveness.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Knowledge/Skill Area: Infant/Young child & Family-Centered Practices
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Provides information, guidance, and support to families related to the development and care of infants/young children to further develop parenting capabilities and the parent-infant/young child relationship and ensures that information is provided in the family’s language
3C.3. Supports the capacity of others to work cross-culturally with the goal of positively influencing practice, policymaking, administrative functioning, and service delivery. Works to systematically involve families, key stakeholders, and communities in these efforts.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Reflection (MHM)
Knowledge/Skill Area: Contemplation (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Modifies policies and procedure to enhance service effectiveness and appropriate use of resources
3C.3. Supports the capacity of others to work cross-culturally with the goal of positively influencing practice, policymaking, administrative functioning, and service delivery. Works to systematically involve families, key stakeholders, and communities in these efforts.
Essential or important?: Important
IECMHC Endorsement Competency: Working with others
Knowledge/Skill Area: Building and Maintaining Relationships (MHM)
As Demonstrated by/Other Work Experience (and Interview): Builds and maintains effective interpersonal relationships with families and professional colleagues by respecting and promoting the decision-making authority of families