The first year of a baby’s life is an exciting time. “My 1st Year Baby Book” is designed to document a baby’s first year of life.
My First Year Booklet (English)
El Álbum del Primer Año de Mi Bebé (Español)
The “Discovering Feelings” booklet is designed to assist caregivers in helping to label a young child’s feelings.
Discovering Feelings Booklet (English)
Comenzar a Descubrir Los Sentimientos (Español)
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Information and Tips for Mental Health Consultants
My 1st Year
“My 1st Year Baby Book” is a tool designed to support your work as an early childhood mental health consultant.
The first year of a baby’s life is an exciting time filled with wonderful new experiences, and caregiver’s daily interactions with babies lay the foundation for their long-term physical, social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development.
You can support caregiver practices through introducing and facilitating the use of this tool with providers and parents as an intentional and structured opportunity for skill building and knowledge development.
Discovering Feelings
The “Discovering Feelings” booklet is designed to assist caregivers in helping to label a young child’s feelings. This tool offers caregivers a simple way to:
Information and Tips for Parents
My 1st Year
The first year of a baby’s life is an exciting time filled with wonderful new experiences, and your daily interactions with your baby lays the foundation for his/her long-term physical, social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development. Download “My 1st Year Baby Book” to help you document your baby’s first year of life.
Discovering Feelings
The “Discovering Feelings” booklet is designed to assist parents in helping to label a young child’s feelings. This tool offers parents a simple way to:
Information and Tips for HS Staff
My 1st Year
“My 1st Year Baby Book” is a tool designed to support your work as an early childhood provider. The first year of a baby’s life is an exciting time filled with wonderful new experiences, and caregiver’s daily interactions with babies lay the foundation for their long-term physical, social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development. You can use this tool with families to document the early experiences of infants in your programs.
Discovering Feelings
The “Discovering Feelings” booklet is designed to assist caregivers in helping to label a young child’s feelings. This tool offers caregivers a simple way to: